NWA-PCUG Newsletter
Article, October 2012
Interesting Internet Finds
By Steve Costello, President/Editor,
Boca Raton Computer Society, Florida
May 2012 Boca Bits
In the course of going through the more than 200 news feeds in my Google Reader, I often run across things that I think might be of interest to other user group members.
The following are some items I found interesting during the month of April 2012. (Long URLs shortened with the Google URL shortener http://goo.gl/ )
Deciphering the Power Label on Your A/C Adapters http://goo.gl/6ljEj
The Best Free Portable Apps for Your Flash Drive Toolkit http://goo.gl/JtJio
Best Free Android Apps http://goo.gl/XyQr6
Webinar #11 - Mastering your own domain http://goo.gl/xSygZ
How to Pick the Perfect Laptop http://goo.gl/whLEM
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