NWA-PCUG Newsletter Article
Where to Get Computer Help Online
by Helen Bradley, FamilyPC , April 2001

Get help for your computer from these Web sites.

Don't let the flickering monitors or scary error messages ruin your day, instead, help yourself to onling technical support.

Computers are great, but they're far from perfect. And the more you use your PC, the more likely you are to run into problems. Your printer may stop working, you could experience the "blue screen of death," or maybe you just can't figure out how to download images from your new digital camera. These pitfalls happen to even the most experienced techie types. Luckily, many of these same experts are available to help you via the Internet. Some volunteer their expertise, others charge a few dollars per question, and a few work for slick, professional sites. Some email, some provide instant answers and some you can choose your expert.

The following URL lists 10 technical support Web sites that feature the best tips, tricks, and technical information: http://www.zdnet.com/zdhelp/stories/main/0,5594,2673000,00.html

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