NWA-PCUG Newsletter Article, February 2006
Screen Shots
by David Garcia,
President, Little Blue PC Club, Northglenn, Colorado

(click to email author)

Have you ever wanted to print out what you see on your monitor screen? This is called a “Screenshot,” and there are several software packages on the market that allow you to do just that with various degrees of sophistication. If you don’t need that sophistication, you can easily use Windows to get a screenshot. Just follow these instructions:

You can also save the file if you like:

Article rights are reserved. This article may be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, or transferred, for single use by nonprofit organizations for educational purposes, with attribution to David Garcia. Little Blue PC Club, Northglenn CO. It should be unchanged and this paragraph included. Please e-mail David Garcia at littlebluepcclub@comcast.net when you use it, or for permission to excerpt or condense.

There is no restriction against any non-profit group using this article as long as it is kept in context with proper credit given the author. The Editorial Committee of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG), an international organization of which this group is a member, brings this article to you.

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