NWA-PCUG Newsletter Article
Microsoft Shortcuts
by Cliff Goeke, Vice President, May 2001
(click to email author)

    Microsoft Word 97
    Ctrl + A : Select all the text in a document
    Ctrl + B : Bold the selected text
    Ctrl + I : Italicize the selected text
    Ctrl + U : Underline the selected text
    Ctrl + N : Create a new document
    Ctrl + O : Display the Open dialog box
    Ctrl + P : Print the document
    Ctrl + S : Save the document
    Ctrl + W : Close the document
    Ctrl + X : Cut the selected text or objects
    Ctrl + C : Copy the selected text or objects
    Ctrl + V : Paste the contents of the Clipboard
    Ctrl + ] : Grow Font (increase the size of selected text by 1 point)
    Ctrl + [ : Shrink Font (decrease the size of selected text by 1 point)
    Ctrl + Y : Repeat last action
    Ctrl + Z : Undo last change
    Ctrl + F6 : Switch between open (non-minimized) documents
    Ctrl + Backspace : Delete one word to the left
    Shift + Ctrl + Home : Select all the text from the cursor up to the top of the document
    Shift + Ctrl + Page Down : Select all the text from the cursor down to the bottom of the document
    Shift + End : Select all the text from the cursor to the end of the current line
    Shift + Left or Right arrow : Select text, one character at a time, from the cursor to the left or right
    Shift + Up or Down arrow : Select text, one row at a time, from the cursor up or down
    Ctrl + Home : Move to the top of the document
    Ctrl + End : Move to the bottom of the document
    Shift + F5 : Move to the last point of editing (up to the last three locations stored)

    Microsoft Excel 97
    Ctrl + F12 : Open a spreadsheet file
    Ctrl + O : Open a spreadsheet file
    Shift + F12 : Save the spreadsheet
    Ctrl + S : Save the spreadsheet
    Ctrl + Shift + F12 : Print the spreadsheet
    Ctrl + P : Print the spreadsheet
    F2 : Edit the active cell
    F4 : Repeat the last action
    F6 : Move to the next pane
    F9 : Calculate all sheets in open workbooks
    F11 : Create a chart
    Ctrl + ; : Insert the current date
    Shift + Ctrl + ; : Insert the current time
    Ctrl + Y : Repeat the last action
    Ctrl + Z : Undo the last change

    Internet Explorer 4/5
    Alt + Left Arrow : Previous page
    Alt + Right Arrow : Next page
    Down Arrow : Scroll down
    Up Arrow : Scroll up
    F4 : Display list of URLs in Address Bar
    F5 : Refresh the current page
    Ctrl + Enter : Add www. and .com to word to form a URL in the Address bar
    Ctrl + D : Add to list of favorites
    Ctrl + S : Save page

    Windows 98
    Ctrl + drag a file : Copy a file
    F2 : Rename an item
    Ctrl + Esc : Display the Start menu
    Alt + Tab : Switch to the last-used window
    Alt + F4 : Close current window or close program
    Alt + Tab : Display Task Manager so you can switch between open applications
    Ctrl + Z : Undo
    Shift + F10 : Display context menu of selected item (same as right-clicking)
    Right-click : Display context menu of selected item
    Alt + Enter : Display properties for selected item
    Ctrl + Esc : Display Windows Startup menu
    Windows + D : Minimize/maximize all windows
    Windows + M : Minimize all windows
    Shift + Windows + M : Maximize all windows
    Windows + E : Launch Windows Explorer
    Windows + R : Open Run dialog box
    Windows + F : Open Find all files dialog box
    F3 (on desktop) : Open Find all files dialog box
    F3 (at DOS command prompt) : Repeat last command entered
    Ctrl + Windows + F : Open Find: Computer dialog box
    Windows + Pause/Break : Display System Properties
    Windows + Tab : Cycle through Taskbar buttons
    F1 : Display Help

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