NWA-PCUG Newsletter Article
Save time when typing
by Coco Johnston, F1 Computer Club, June 2001
(click to email author)

For those of you who have to type a lot using Word or WordPerfect, and type the same phrases or titles over and over, there is a little trick that will save time and work.

Let's say you have to type the phrase F1 Computer Users' Club a lot. You can use your Spell Check dictionary to create a shortcut.

In WordPerfect:

In the Menu Bar at the top of your screen, Click on Tools
Select Quick Correct
In the box labeled Replace, type an abbreviation you want to use (example: F1)
In the box labeled With, type the full phrase you want to appear (example: F1 Computer Users' Club)
Make sure there is a check mark in the box marked Replace words as you type
Click OK

In Microsoft Word:

In the Menu Bar at the top of the screen, Click on Tools
Select AutoCorrect
Type the abbreviation in the box labeled Replace
Type the full phrase in the box labeled With

Now everytime you type the abbreviation (F1) and hit the space bar, the entire phrase (F1 Computer Users' Club) will appear automatically.

Another good use for AutoCorrect and QuickCorrect is that if there is a word you always misspell, and that word is not in your computer's dictionary (like your mother_in_law's name), you can add the misspell and put the correct spelling into your dictionary.

You can also add words that don't appear in your dictionary, such as Cassville or Berryville, simply by clicking ADD in the dialog box that comes up during Spell Check

Check your HELP files in other applications for similar features. Look up Spell Check, and see what your options are.

Coco Johnson is past President and current editor of the FI Computer Club in Shell Knob Mo. Please let her know if you use this article. There is no restriction against any non_profit group using the article as long as it is kept incontext, with proper credit given to the author. This article is brought to you by the Editorial Committee of the Association of Personal Computer User Groups (APCUG), an International organization to which this user group belongs.

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